
TMAC may terminate tenant membership if the tenant member violates any terms of the Membership Agreement. The procedure for termination and appeal is set out in the Membership Agreement.

Members may terminate membership by providing at least 180-days’ written notice to TMAC. Unless agreed otherwise, membership terminates on the 181st day following notice. The tenant member must move out and remove all possessions by the termination date.

If a tenant member moves out of the TMAC facility without giving notice or without giving proper notice, membership ends on the earlier of:

  • The date the unit is rented to another tenant or

  • The earliest termination date that could have been put in a notice to end a tenancy, if the tenant had given proper notice.

The tenant member must fulfill all obligations of membership and abide by all terms of the Membership Agreement until the termination date, including:

  • Paying rent

  • Paying membership dues

  • Contributing to and carrying out any planned joint programming responsibilities with TMAC and/or other tenant members, unless a plan for transitioning these responsibilities is agreed to by the tenant member, TMAC and any party to existing funding or planning agreements

Last updated